The God complex amongst Tech Billionaires has reached a boiling point. To be fair, Elon has taken a page out of the Zer0es playbook and clearly gave zero fucks with his jiggly puff dance at a recent Trump rally. Zuckerberg, on the other hand, is just trying way too hard and it’s apparently caused him to forget the true fate of Julius Caesar. As promised, we have a special announcement here at ZFG and it comes by way of our very first sponsor. South Korea has finally announced that it will abandon the ban on short selling, but not until March of 2025.

And just when short sellers thought they were given some breathing room, Spain proves that retardation – or corruption – runs through the highest levels of its market regulators. Speaking of corruption, NYC Mayor Eric Adams has been caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. And after a long hiatus of Freddy’s corner of terrible business ideas, we get real-time footage of a new idea that arguably lands at the top of the list.

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