A Poober Pitch and Porn Zoom Bombs

Beyond any stretch of rational thinking, one of Freddy’s business ideas from 2022 still seems to be alive and kicking. With his fresh new swag, Carson lends his support to a reimagined Poober and tries to attract SoftBank’s interest with one of the largest TAMs in the market today.

Sydney Meets Chamath at the Museum

Freddy is back, and we quickly find out that he spent his entire time away in the fetal position, with nightmares of failing another driver’s test. Carson goes on to console him, while lamenting the reality that his dreams of being the Andrew Carnegie of penis museums has been dealt a major setback.

The Zen of Ross Gerber

Ross Gerber continues his victory over short sellers tour by dropping in on the Muddy Waters team and reminiscing over how Carson once felt like Ethan Hawke at the kitchen table in Training Day across from him and Cathie Wood. Ross, who lives in LA, makes a convincing case that they would’ve found southern California much less annoying to live in than the Bay Area. The team then unanimously pleads for Ross to send unwanted former Victoria’s Secret models to Austin. The Muddy Waters team then explodes in disagreement over the aesthetics of the Cyber Truck with Freddy clearly in the wrong. Finally, Ross gives some parenting advice to Carson as to which stock he should buy for his son to win the child’s lifelong respect.